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“Ikh zargach” chess club


The “Ikh Zargach” chess club, established in 2016 at Shihihutug University, stands as a testament to the university’s 25th anniversary celebration. Designed to foster a love for chess, the club has become a dynamic hub for intellectual engagement among students.
The primary aim of the club is to promote chess as a sport, sparking the intellectual prowess of young minds. By engaging in chess activities, the club seeks to enhance students’ logical thinking skills, develop strategic acumen, and encourage them to spend their time effectively and meaningfully.


“Ikh Zargach” is committed to expanding its collaboration with the Mongolian Chess Federation (MCF). Additionally, the club maintains a close partnership with “Tsetsen Nudel” chess club, a renowned entity in the capital. This collaboration extends to regular participation in high-ranking national and international chess competitions, contributing to the club’s commitment to excellence and competitiveness.
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